Helipott icon sailing



Sounds like a fantastic offer! The idea of a sailing trip without having to constantly worry about the on-board toilet is really tempting. With the automatic composting toilet, this will definitely be a stress-free experience. And the fact that everything is "made in Germany" gives you an additional feeling of security.

Problems caused by incorrect operation, sea valves, clogged pumps, noisy choppers, broken hoses, leaks, flooding, bad smells in the cabin or on deck. No longer your problem! You are clever and save space and weight and this solution is permanent. No more complicated installation and no more maintenance that you have to understand.

With Helipott there is no more risk and no more hassle - just a clean and safe feeling on the boat. The crew is as comfortable as possible and the skipper can concentrate on his work. And waiting at a suction station? No, it's up to you, you'd rather go sailing. Helipott, for everyone who is looking for a contemporary and elegant solution for their boat, in the here and now.

Helipott Trockentrenntoilette geöffnet


  1. An exhaust air opening, to the outside or even into a baking box is sufficient
  2. Fix the toilet to the floor or wall in a level position
  3. Preferred installation position fore and aft
  4. After the toilet is connected and filled with substrate, it is ready for use
  5. As usual, hygiene products and paper in the trash can
  6. Empty the urine canister promptly, you can also do this in every port toilet
  7. The toilet is made capsize-proof before severe weather
  8. It only takes a minute
  9. For this purpose, the compost container is closed with the lid provided
  10. The canister is screwed shut
  11. The lid and canister are securely held in place by the separating attachment above.
  12. The lid locks are closed
  13. This means that nothing can leak or get dirty overhead
  14. Safe and always a clear conscience
Helipott Trockentrenntoilette


Did you know that the compost bin only needs to be emptied when Helipott reports this? Otherwise, the toilet in the boat can be left unused for long periods of time, like soil in a flower pot, weeks or even months, without any problems, odorless, and always ready for use.

And cleaning the solid waste container is child's play and can be done completely dry. Sounds like magic - and it kind of is, just like nature!

Helipott Trockentrenntoilette mit Verschluss


Did you know that the compost container only needs to be emptied when Helipott reports this? Otherwise, the toilet in the boat can be left unused for a long time even when it is switched off, like soil in a flowerpot, for weeks or even months, without any problems, odorless, and always ready for use.

If you are not there, simply leave the lid open so that enough air can reach the substrate. And cleaning the solid waste container is child's play and can be done completely dry.

Sounds like magic - and it is, in a way, nature!

Helipott elektronisches Rührwerk

here the

heart of helipott!

The automatically driven agitator is the heart of Helipott! Made of high-quality stainless steel, seawater-resistant for maximum reliability. With a volume of 10 liters and the perfect geometry, it makes optimal use of the substrate. Powered by a powerful DC motor with 12V and up to 110 Nm torque, it ensures efficient and reliable composting. Your reliable companion, wherever you are!

here the

heart of helipott!

The automatically driven agitator is the heart of Helipott! Made of high-quality stainless steel, seawater-resistant for maximum reliability. With a volume of 10 liters and the perfect geometry, it makes optimal use of the substrate. Powered by a powerful DC motor with 12V and up to 110 Nm torque, it ensures efficient and reliable composting. Your reliable companion, wherever you are!

Helipott elektronisches Rührwerk
Helipott elektronisches Rührwerk geschlossen


Helipott can be prepared for heavy seas in just a few easy steps.

  1. Close the compost container with the stainless steel lid provided.
  2. Screw the canister tightly
  3. Close the lid locks - done.

In addition to the odor trap, our canister also has a secure leak protection. The lid and canister are securely held in place by the separating attachment above. Nothing leaks or gets dirty. Brilliant Helipott.

Helipott elektronisches Rührwerk


Helipott can be prepared for heavy seas in just a few easy steps.

  1. Close the compost container with the optionally available stainless steel lid.
  2. Screw the canister tightly shut
  3. Close the lid fasteners (optional) - done.

The lid and canister are securely held in place by the separating attachment above. Nothing leaks out or gets dirty.

Helipott icon Shipping


Helipott is a practical and simple alternative for the maritime sector. Toilet facilities on ships or in port facilities usually involve complex installation. Helipott is a quick solution for quickly equipping a cabin or other location with a toilet without great effort. Comfortable, quiet, efficient, self-sufficient. Helipott works automatically and is therefore very easy for everyone to use.

Overall, the toilet offers an efficient and environmentally friendly solution to sanitary needs at sea and in port, while also helping to improve comfort and hygiene.

Helipott Trenntoilette geöffnet


  1. The toilet can be installed anywhere
  2. The toilet requires a 12V DC connection, directly or via a power supply
  3. An exhaust opening for ventilation
  4. For mounting we have suitable accessories
  5. Fill compost bin with substrate
  6. Insert canister
  7. And Helipott is ready for use many times
  8. 20 to 30 trips to the toilet are the rule rather than the exception
  9. Please dispose of toilet paper and other items separately

    The decision to restore an old sailing classic is a decision with far-reaching consequences, especially if it is to be something very special. For Peter Philipp, designer and developer of Helipott, himself a passionate sailor and boat builder on the side, it was clear from the start: a conventional on-board toilet with seacocks or a maintenance-intensive holding tank was out of the question. It had to be something clean, not a feces orgy.

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